Certificate in Hospitality Management

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image Course Duration : 1hr 54 mins

The Hospitality – Hotel Operations Management is first in line business skill and acumen to work in a wide range of areas within this multifaceted industry. The importance of the leadership qualities of managers in the hospitality industry today can’t be overestimated. Managers who exhibit good leadership qualities can make or break a business.

The leadership qualities in hospitality industry managers are similar to the qualities of leaders in other successful businesses. Both “people skills” and “business skills” are needed and a good manager will exhibit both.

Learning topics

Module 1: Characteristics of the Hospitality Industry
Module 2: Introduction to the Accommodation Sector
Module 3: Introduction to Hotel Management
Module 4: Hotel Front Office Operations
Module 5: Hotel Housekeeping Department
Module 6: Introduction to Food and Beverage Sector
Module 7: Food and Beverage Services
Module 8: Restaurant Operations Planning
Module 9: Kitchen Design and Layout
Module 10: Safe Food Handling in Food Service Operations
Module 11: Preventing and Treating Accidents in Food Service Operations

We offer


Access on mobile and PC.


No assessment.


Certificate of Completion.

Special inaugural offer
One month Plan
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