Certificate in Baking and Desserts for Beginners

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image Course Duration : 1 hr 34 min

Desserts represent a huge category of dishes, some of which are quite specialized in their production. This module will give a broad overview of basic techniques and dishes; for a more in-depth look at hot and cold desserts, a specific pastry and patisserie course is recommended.

What is a dessert? A dessert is a dish that is traditionally eaten at the end of a meal. It can be a savory dish, but it is more often a sweetened dish typically containing fruits, dairy, chocolate, or sugar. Hot desserts are served warm, either immediately after having been cooked or having been warmed prior to service. They can range from oven-baked dishes such as soufflés, crumbles or pies, to pan-cooked crêpes and clafoutis to poached ilesflottantes, stewed fruits and rice pudding, or deep-fried fritters. These desserts are often accompanied by a warm sauce or dressing. Cold desserts are served at room temperature or below. They are typically set desserts, fixed through cooking, freezing, chilling, or the use of setting agents such as gelatine, agar or pectin.

What is a pudding? Strictly speaking, a pudding is a dense dish formed into a bowl or deep dish before being cooked or set. Traditionally, a pudding would have been steamed in a bowl or cloth for several hours before serving. This type of pudding still exists in the form of Christmas pudding, steamed treacle or syrup puddings, or the chilled summer pudding. Nowadays, however, the term ‘pudding’ has come to be interchangeable with the word ‘dessert’, particularly in the northern and southwestern areas of the UK where it can simply refer to any sweetened dish eaten at the end of a meal.

Learning topics

Module 1: Preparing Desserts and Pastries
Module 2: Making Biscuits, Cakes & Dough

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Certificate of Completion.

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One month Plan
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